Tuesday, July 8, 2008

To fear "FEAR" itself

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

On March 4, 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was sworn to office and became the thirty second president of United States. At that time the country was facing Depression, people were losing up their savings and facing problems in feeding their family.

But let me encourage you, dear Malaysian, in the midst of facing much saddening issues such as political illness, economic downturn, price rises, uncertainty on rakyat's well being and natural disasters in some parts of the world, we ought not to fear. Instead we should Press-On! :D

Let me encourage you with what Roosevelt uttered;

"Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to covert retreat to advance. In everty dark hour of our national life of leadership frankness and vigor has met with understanding and support of people themselves which is essential to victory."

Many of us now, are paralyze by FEAR. As for me, whatever we win on earth whether it is money or power or the glory of our name, it shall all pass away.

Why not take a step of faith to step out and take RISK? Life is like an economy, if we don't take a risk to invest, the economy will be dead! Imagine 100% people don't invest in Malaysia, what will happen? I'll leave it to you then.... Nothing will move ON and go UP, if we allow FEAR to paralyze us.

Start investing in people's life which gives you the eternal value of friendship and joy. Start investing in economy, to keep the economy robust and ask FEAR to go away. You have ONE LIFE, DO SOMETHING!

God bless you!

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