Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Funny Discovery at Site

My colleagues and I went for a luncheon at site. I was eating joyfully, chomping my chicken wing nicely until my colleague Asilah said to the contractor, "Betul ke? papan tanda tu tulis Di larang BERAK?"

Betul....it says, "Please do not poo in the building. Fine RM 100.00. Hygiene first."

We were laughing at it because, usually the main message for the construction workers are safety first, clean lines, monitoring, etc but this....hilarious. hehehe


I have never been to Gudang Home outlets but I know they are in Bangsar Shopping Centre and The Gardens, Mid Valley. As I was busy bodying with their web, i found some adoring items from ARCADE. They have colourful designer's carpets, fabrics, glasses, lamps...

These are some of the Arcade glasses they have...

Soft touch for your home...

A lil' rustic look

This piece is adorable...

if you are buying, you may want to consider it again because rattan furniture are not easy to clean.

This lamp is called SHE.