Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fruits for Life

Uncle and Auntie preparing fruits every morning

See, happy couple! :D

Every morning, I would take a few minutes walk to the fruit sellers. I have been buying from them every morning. At first, I felt like we were strangers, but hey, why can't we be friends? Now, they are my morning friends.

Yes, the price of a small packet of fruits is RM1 but what can RM1 do compared to the fruit that enters our body? Giving that RM1 a day for fruits will be bonus to your health.

Going to the fruit stall to me is healthy ...

  1. I get to loose some fats on my legs as I walk there
  2. I get to spend time chatting with my fruit seller friends
  3. I get to support them in this weakening economic times
  4. I get to refresh myself with FRUITS.... *slurpy juicy*

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