Tuesday, June 10, 2008

On my First Roadshow Selling "No 1 Unit Trust in Malaysia"

Me at Kepong Carrefour

A week after I passed my FMUTM exam. Such a big girl now, am going back for a roadshow works reminded me of my youthful days. The best thing is, I was placed in Kepong's Carrefour Hypermarket. Guess what? I had to speak to my customers in Cantonese and Mandrin man! Which I had hard time. But by God's grace I could speak better than my usual days. I learnt a lot of new words.
  • Unit Trust = "Sun Tok Kei Kum"
  • Public = "Tai Chung"
  • Interest = "Lei Sek"
  • Dividend = "Ku Sek"

Wow! So cool...never knew that. Hehe.

More than that, I learnt from this humbling experience, which are more rewarding in terms of character building. They are;

  1. Boldness in speaking to strangers
  2. Learning how to seize the opportunity
  3. Persistency and keeping the momentum
  4. Face rejections in joy and gratitute and still feeling "WOW!"
  5. Learn how to speak mandrin and cantonese
  6. Learning from the most experienced leaders, my blessings
  7. FOCUS! Focus on positivity and not negativity
  8. Humbling myself to ask - this is the hardest but the most important way to mold my character.

Roadshow in Kepong? I love the people there. Not that they bought a million ringgit investment from me, but it is them - an open door for me to meet people of all walks of life. My first client - he is a lorry driver, with a dream to invest with us though it is small.

God Bless You!

If you love me, support me lah.... just listen to my presentation will do. :D

GAMBATE in your life!

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